Supporting NYU’s Pro-Palestine Student Activists with

Jobs and Referrals

We are organizing our network of 3,100+ NYU alumni to offer jobs, referrals, and interview tips to recent graduates of the NYU Palestine Solidarity Coalition. As we celebrate hundreds of our comrades who have graduated, we reject all attempts to dox pro-Palestinian student activists and hinder their ability to find jobs post-graduation. We commend them for their extraordinary and courageous advocacy and we are here to support them as they kickstart their careers.

How this works:

  1. Form completion: Complete the form below with any job postings at your employer or another employer where you can offer a direct referral. For the safety of our recent graduates, we will review all submissions to this form before sharing them with graduates.

  2. Dissemination of opportunities: We will organize the list of job openings and referrers based on sector. Then, we will share job postings and email contacts with a vetted list of recent graduates from the NYU Palestine Solidarity Coalition.

  3. Connection: Graduates will contact you if they are interested in the job posting that you share.

  4. Employment assistance: When graduates contact you, please submit a formal referral for them to your employer, offer tips and insights on their resume, interview prep, and any other insights to help them win the job.

Please email us at if you have any questions.